On August 14th it was Edie’s birthday. She turned 8 years old. She came to me as a rescued puppy at 8 weeks old. She was cheeky and funny and has turned out to be the best dog I’ve ever had (just don’t tell Rupert!). So we got her a card, some treats, a cushion and some toys – half of which Rupert has already “borrowed”. And it got me thinking about how things often come full circle in your life – is it a sad time or a good time?
When we drove up to Manchester in 2013 to collect our darling little bundle of Bedlington Terrier fluffiness, we had no idea what changes would happen in that time. Since then, I’ve moved home twice, been divorced and remarried, lost my old boy Bertie (another Bedlington), gained Rupert, become a Kennel Club accredited dog training instructor, won a class at Crufts, lost friends, found new friends, lived through the pandemic (just about) and sadly, lost my husband last year. But I’m still building up the business after all these changes. And Edie is still that funny, loving dog who never actually moans about anything and trusts me completely to do the right thing for her.
The end of the summer is also the time that I look at the past year and the year to come. I feel a lot more energetic and active and it’s normally now I put new plans in place. This year I’m relaunching my Kennel Club Good Citizens Bronze course. I loved teaching these classes and it will be lovely to work in my new venue in Loxwood with new dogs on their journey to actually achieving good manners and behaviour as well as a few new skills.
As for Edie, well she still works with me. She still sits on the sofa and she still loves me unconditionally. For all the things we lose or change, having that sense of coming full circle can be a kind of closure – like the end of something. But for me, it’s the door to a new chapter. Me, Edie and Rupert going forward and making new circles and dreams. So full circle can mean lots of different things…just make sure that it’s positive!
Have a lovely September and if you’re interested in the KC classes drop me a message via the website.
Sara, Edie & Rupert.
Contact me, Sara Bridgeman on: 07504 925341 or visit my website at: www.rewardsdogtraining.co.uk