Book Review – On the Road with Heitor – Graham J Macey

“A book with a journey that anyone who has cared for parent or loved one should read. A great first outing for this writer.” – Mr S C Mak, Amazon Reviewer

The Story Of A Mother’s Love

This book is set in a small suburban Surrey bungalow where, in 2012, Graham Macey came to be the full-time carer for his 89 year old mother until her death in 2019.

It began as an attempt to make sense of it all – a way of simply coping with the situation and with the very troubled relationship that existed between the author and his mother.

Slowly, it became clear, that the pain of the present was inextricably entwined with pain of the past, and it was here, and only here, that the seeds of healing were to be found and nurtured.

This book describes the many journeys of this healing – journeys of hope, reconciliation and peace – journeys in which the author came to watch, as his mother learned to use her courage, her willpower, her love and her humility to let go to all the pain of her ‘broken-ness,’ until, as a frail 95 year old woman, she was able to take everything that the world had thrown at her, and rise above it all.

And so it was that a mother’s love was able to inspire the author with the hope and the courage he needed to complete the journey of his own healing – a love redeemed, restored and radiant – free at last to nurture and to cherish – to teach and to protect – to guide and to set free… a Mother’s Love indeed.

This book is now available on Amazon as a Paperback and eBook – please contact the author for further details.

Received 4.5 stars out of 5 on

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