Saturday 28 March, Cranleigh Village Hall, 10am-4pm, Free Entry
The exhibition has been running annually for many years, providing an impressively varied, interesting range of colour and monochrome images, both printed and projected on screen. On display will be up to 300 photographs corresponding to a wide range of different subjects, which include an open category allowing free choice (for example, street photography, architecture, sport, or still life), landscape, nature, portraits, and panels grouping several related images together. A category entitled “digital art” covers images constructed with digital software from one or more other photographs as expressions of image-makers’ creative imagination.
The exhibition entries will be assessed by Don Morley, a distinguished former photojournalist and action sports photographer with immense experience of judging photographic work. Many of the prints are for sale. Refreshments are available. Parking is easy. Cranleigh’s main car park is only a few yards past the Village Hall down Village Way. Come and have a look round. You will enjoy it. You may even feel that you would like to join the Club and take part in the future.
To contact the Club, see: www.cranleighcameraclub.co.uk
Events in March 2020:
3rd MARCH – 3-way competition at Haslemere, Don Morely
5th MARCH – Presentation: Motion capture, Eddie Hyde ARPS
12th MARCH – 4th PDI and mono prints competition: Set Subject – A chocolate box image, Graham Johnston
19th MARCH – Camera techniques – 3 of a kind, Members’ participation
26th MARCH – Match-a-Print competition: Ladies vs Gents, Gordon Rae
28th MARCH – CCC Annual Photographic Exhibition, Don Morely
The Club meets most Thursdays at 7:30pm (September to June) at the Baptist Church Hall, 262 The High Street, Cranleigh, GU6 8RT, Consisting of talks, demonstrations, competitions and practical sessions.