JAGUAR © Peter Jillians
Cranleigh Camera Club was established in the 1960s and currently has around forty members of various ages and photographic abilities. We have a variety of internal club competitions, talks by members and guest speakers on many varied subjects, workshops designed to improve our chances of good competition scores, trips away both to take pictures and to compete against other clubs, Christmas social evening, and an Annual Exhibition held in the Cranleigh village hall.
If you enjoy photography and may be looking to improve your skills, then do come along to one of our meetings.
Although digital photographers now outnumber film photographers, all are very welcome and no distinction is made between film and digital prints for the purpose of workshops and competitions. Anyone interested in joining the Club need not feel that meetings would be too technical and we invite you to attend a couple of meetings to see if you like us.
Events in December are as follows:
5th DECEMBER – 2nd PDI and mono prints competition – Set Subject: Stone, Graeme Wales
12th DECEMBER – Christmas Party, including announcement of the Chairman’s Challenge, Members’ participation
Rest of DECEMBER – Christmas Break
The Club meets most Thursdays at 7:30pm (September to June) at the Baptist Church Hall, 262 The High Street, Cranleigh, GU6 8RT, Consisting of talks, demonstrations, competitions and practical sessions.
You can find the programme and contact details on our website at: www.cranleighcameraclub.co.uk