Ewhurst Players – Dick Whittington by Bradford and Webster

Ewhurst Players will be continuing their tradition of presenting a family pantomime next year at the end of January and early February. This year’s chosen production is Dick Whittington and will be directed by Marion Heathcote.

Ewhurst Players have deservedly gained a high reputation for the quality of their pantomimes for which they have received many awards for their excellence. Many familiar faces will be seen in the cast as well as some new and talented performers.

Dick Whittington promises sparkling sets, scintillating costumes, snarling baddies, a saucy Dame and thigh slapping Principal boy not to mention a sleek and super cat. “ Oh no they wont” . . . “Oh yes they will”. This panto promises all the ingredients to make an enjoyable and memorable trip to Ewhurst Village Hall.

The box office opens on the 2nd January 2018 at 9am and can be booked through Ticketsource. co.uk/ewhurstplayers. Be sure to book your tickets early as this pantomime sells very quickly.

Evening Performances: January 26th, 27th February 2nd and 3rd

Matinees: January 27th, 28th and 3rd.

Evening performances commence at 7.45pm and Matinees at 2.30pm.

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