by Brian Clark
Directed by Simon Fraser
Wed 29, Thur 30, Fri 31 May and Sat 1 June 2019 at 7:45pm. Bar from 7pm. Cold platter supper served at 7:15pm, pudding in the interval.
Ewhurst Village Hall, The Street, Ewhurst
Brian Clark wrote this award winning drama in the late 1970s but its theme is just as relevant today. Should an individual have the right to end his or her own life? It premiered at the Mermaid Theatre London and later transferred onto Broadway.
This is a serious issue to present in a play but it is dealt with in a very human and humorous way. Set in a hospital room, the action revolves around Ken Harrison, a sculptor by profession who was paralyzed from the neck down in a car accident and is determined to be allowed to die. The playwright presents arguments both in favour of and opposing euthanasia. In portraying Ken as an intelligent man with a useless body, leaves the audience with conflicting feelings about his desire to end his life.
This production is presented in the form of a Theatre Supper with a cold platter served prior to the performance.
Following on from the recent sold out Pantomime this production will allow The Ewhurst Players to show their versatility and display the acting skills of this talented award winning society.
The Ewhurst Players Pantomime regularly sells out.Tickets are available from the box office at: www.ticketsource.co.uk/ewhurstplayers Or ring 01483 272378