Buying environmentally friendly gifts for your friends and family can seem like a daunting challenge, but it really doesn’t need to be.
Think pilates instructors, personal trainers, massage therapists, hair stylists, local artists, golf and tennis pros, local restaurants, local boutiques. All of whom can offer fantastic ideas for presents, and all the time putting money into our local economy. Following that, here are a few websites that offer environmentally friendly ideas for gifts, clothes and more…
Puremess – for all your personal care needs and gifts. Hand made in Guildford, their packaging is either biodegradable, reusable or recyclable.
Our very own local gift shop offering thoughtful and eco friendly gifts.
Up-cycled and repurposed gifts and clothing.
Vera Bee take the hard work out of finding natural, sustainable and plastic free products and gifts. Not to mention, they are also cruelty free and ethical.
A collection of hundreds of small business offering one of a kind and hand-made goods and gifts.

Give the gift of the National Trust or English Heritage, to be enjoyed for a whole 12 months.
Theatre tokens can be used in more than 260 venues nationwide, including the best regional theatres and all of London’s famous West End stages.
A Farnham based father and son company with the aim to create stylish, practical water bottles. Thus reducing the need for any more plastic bottles. They will keep your water cold for up to 24 hours (and hot for 12).
Good Things seeks out inspiring ethical and sustainable gifts that support charities, empower people and protect our planet.
Thought clothing. Sustainable organic clothing made from natural fibres.
Beautifully up-cycled cashmere products that are ethically sourced.
And just to round off the whole experience, why not go for a sustainable Christmas tree too!
A potted Christmas tree will be delivered at the beginning of December and collected in January, to be put back into the field and grown on until next year. Meaning you can enjoy a real Christmas tree in your home, without having to destroy it afterwards.