New Years Day Walk – February 2016

New Year’s Day Walk started at 10.30am at St. Nicolas Church car park, 38 people and 7 dogs enjoyed a very pleasant 2 hour walk across the countryside south of Cranleigh, going past Holhurst Manor, across to Garstones and on to the old Canal.

We then crossed the road past Utworth Manor and home via the fields north of Knowle Park. We were blessed with a fine morning after weeks of rain, rain and more rain which left the fields very wet and muddy, but we were prepared and we walked at a good pace. It was lovely to chat to different people! The dogs seemed to enjoy it too!

Arriving back at the Church Rooms and were greeted by ladies stirring saucepans of home- made soup and a few more people joined us for lunch. It was a great spread of assorted foods and we were soon tucking into the delicious soup, followed with a cold buffet, mince pies, cake and chocolates, washed down with cold drinks tea and coffee.




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