The Arts Society Cranleigh is providing talks to members via zoom at 2.00 pm on the fourth Wednesday of the month, until July, as due to covid-19 these cannot take place in the Cranleigh Arts Centre as usual. Non-members can take part by contacting the Membership Secretary in advance at www.theartssocietycranleigh.org. It is hoped that as from September talks can be resumed in the Arts Centre with our normal afternoon and evening talks.
Wednesday 28th July 2021 zoom talk at 2.00 pm:
‘New Dawn’ in the Houses of Parliament with Mary Branson. Mary is a local artist and she will show us how she worked on a National Project, to create the first piece of conceptual art to be installed in Palace of Westminster.
No talk in August.
Wednesday 22nd September at 2.00 pm and 7.30 pm in Cranleigh Arts Centre:
This talk will be on zoom only at 2.00 pm if we are not able to be in the Arts Centre. Canal History and Heritage with Roger Butler. The network of British canals and the lives and traditions associated with them.
Please look at our website for more information: www.theartssocietycranleigh.org