Clean 15 or Dirty Dozen!

By Penny Lynch

We all know that eating a diet that is full of organic food is healthier for us. Organic food is generally richer in nutrients and of course it does not contain the pesticide residues that most other fruit and vegetables do. But, we also know that not everyone has the budget to buy organic food and in fact some organic fruit and vegetables are very hard to come by.

Spraying pesticide on plants runs the risk of leaving pesticide residue on the plants that we eat

Lucky for us then that there are some fruits and vegetables that don’t require a lot of, if any, pesticide treatments, so are better for us, but without the organic price-tag. This is called the “Clean 15” group and is listed below.

– Avocados
– Sweetcorn
– Pineapple
– Onions
– Papaya
– Frozen or podded peas
– Aubergine
– Asparagus
– Broccoli
– Cabbage
– Kiwi
– Cauliflower
– Mushrooms
– Honeydew Melon
– Cantaloupe Melon

Equally, there are some fruit and vegetables that are sprayed with multiple pesticides and that should, wherever possible, be bought as organic.  These are known as the “Dirty Dozen!”

– Strawberries
– Spinach
– Kale
– Nectarines
– Apples
– Grapes
– Cherries
– Peaches
– Pears
– Bell and hot peppers
– Celery
– Tomatoes

The supermarkets in Cranleigh have a limited range of organic produce that is invariably covered in plastic! However, For Earth’s Sake have a great selection of reasonably priced fresh produce that is ALWAYS ORGANIC and not a single plastic bag in sight. They have a fresh delivery on Wednesday and Friday, if you want to get the best selection.

It’s a bit ironic isn’t it, wrapping healthy fruit and veg in harmful plastics

Buying non-organic fruit and vegetables will contain residue levels that are under the government recommendations, but they can and do still cause health risks. These risks include hormone disruption, cancer risk and fertility problems. That being said, it is still far better for you to eat a wide variety of fruits and vegetables than not eating any, no matter how they were produced.

Always thoroughly wash your fruit and vegetables in cold water, before consuming them, to remove as much of the residue as possible.

For Earth’s Sake
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