Cranleigh Camera Club was established in the 1960s and currently has around forty members of various ages and photographic abilities.
6 FEB – Planefocus by Geoffrey Lee. A fantastic presentation of aerial photography that gave a detailed insight into his working life and was supported by many images. Geoffrey also included some video clips to enable us to understand the need for all the training and tests he has to undergo to fly in so many types of aircraft, including ejecting in case of need and survival if ditching into the sea.
13 FEB – A homespun evening when members presented themed panels for possible entry into the Annual Exhibition. There was a wide choice of subjects with help and advice offered when requested. A lot of work goes into the production of a panel and the evening was planned to provide an opportunity for all members to enjoy them.
20 FEB – Our 4th Colour Print competition was judged by Gerald Kityakara LRPS and included the Chocolate Box Set Subject. It was interesting to see each member’s approach and Gerald did not find it easy to judge. Some were certainly more favourable as ‘chocolate box’ images than others. But, he still managed to award a 10 to three images in the set subject section and one in the open section.

27 FEB – After entries were handed in for the annual CCC Exhibition, Chris Flood took us through the trials and tribulations of his journey to gain his ARPS. Chris is a very determined man and finally achieved his objective last year with a great panel of portraits of characters out on the street.
3 MAR – Cranleigh won the three-way competition. The result was: Cranleigh 181, Midhurst 169, Haslemere 152.
5 MAR – The presentation by leading photographer Eddie Hyde ARPS on ‘Motion Capture’ demonstrated, with images, the differences which may be achieved when using various shutter speeds and ISO settings including the use of Auto ISO. Subjects covered were: cars, bikes, planes, trains, people, animals, birds in flight, water, night, astro and ICM. He gave us much food for thought when choosing the camera controls.
12 MAR – Graham Johnston critiqued the 4th PDI and Mono Print competitions, where the Set Subject was “Chocolate Box”. For the Mono Prints section in particular, the subject was problematical for both members and judge as monochrome images are very seldom regarded as chocolate box images – country cottages definitely found the most favour! Despite the difficulty the judge awarded four 10s in the mono section and four in the PDI section.
To contact the Club, see: www.cranleighcameraclub.co.uk