Cranleigh Camera Club – November 2017

Sunrise from Mont Cally

Come and join us! This is a friendly, supportive club, where members aim to encourage each other. No matter how much or how little experience you have, you can always learn to improve your images. You can join at any time or attend a couple of meetings without charge to see if you think it will suit you. Meetings are held at Cranleigh Baptist Church Hall (262, The High Street, Cranleigh, GU6 8RT). You can find the programme and further contact details on our website at

Events in NOVEMBER are as follows:

November 2
Presentation: Street Art
Marilyn Taylor ARPS, CPAGB, AFIAP

November 9
2nd colour print competition: Set subject – A sense
of movement. Roy Williamson

November 16
Presentation: Planefocus – aerial photography.
Geoffrey Lee

November 23
2nd PDI competition + mono print: Set subject –
A sense of movement. Graeme Wales LRPS

November 30
Presentation: Accreditations. Swales Parry DPAGB

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