“Sincere thanks to all who worked so hard to give us such a happy time.”
“It was perfect – I loved it all!”
“The whole afternoon was great fun with good company, an excellent meal and really attentive, friendly service.”
These are just a few comments from some of those attending the 2016 Christmas Day event hosted, on this occasion, by St. Nicholas Church (under the banner of Churches Together in Cranleigh), for people who were unable to spend the day with family or friends.
The Cranleigh community came together in a wonderful way to celebrate with a traditional lunch, entertainment, carols, Christmas cake, and presents for 80 people.
This was all possible due to generous donations from local shops, businesses, groups, charities, and individuals. Volunteers decorated the hall, provided transport, cooked and served the meal, and even cleared up at the end.
Our helpers were equally enthusiastic in their praise of the event, commenting: “I really enjoyed helping – I would do it all again” and “It was great to share a nice meal, entertainment, friendship, and love in the eyes of God.”
A massive “Thankyou” to everyone involved. We could not have done it without your amazing help and support, see you all next year!