Would you like to learn more about your local river? Would you like to work with your local community to help restore Cranleigh’s Rivers for both people and wildlife?
The Cranleigh area is blessed with some of the finest headwater streams in Surrey but sadly the same can’t be said for much of the river running through the village. Pollution, physical modifications low flows and invasive species have all taken their toll over the years, leaving the river unable to support healthy wildlife populations.
The Cranleigh Community Rivers Project is being led by Surrey Wildlife Trust, in partnership with the Cranleigh Civic Society and funded by Thames Water. The project’s main aim is to reconnect the local community back with their river and will be training citizen scientists to monitor the river to help tackle pollution, invasive species and litter.
Through a series of training, monitoring and practical days the project aims to build a network of skilled volunteers across the Cranleigh area who can support the projects monitoring and restoration programme.
Our first event will be taking place on 10th June at 7pm where SWT Wetlands Officer Glen Skelton will be leading a guided walk across some of the headwater streams in Cranleigh to discuss what makes a good river, what the issues are and will take a closer look at some of the species living in and around the river.
If you can’t make this date then don’t worry as there will be a second walk on the evening of the 17th June.
To sign up to a walk please contact – Cranleigh Civic Society or Cranleigh Parish Council. 01483 272987 or 01483 272311.
A full schedule of events including Water sampling days, Himalayan balsam bashing, River clean ups and practical restoration days is currently being put together and will be published soon.