Cranleigh & District Lions Club News

Cranleigh Lions would like to thank everyone who has supported us throughout 2020. With all events cancelled, we had to find new ways of raising much needed funds to enable us to continue helping those in need in our community. Your support and generosity, through on line donations and our collection buckets, has enabled us to help the many individuals & families that have been referred to us for assistance.

We look forward to the New Year in the hope that we can return to some kind of normality, although it will probably be quite some time before we can get back to life as we knew it.

We will publish dates for our 2021 events within the next couple of months, but in the meantime, there are three ways through which you can continue to help the Lions to help others.

More importantly, this help will be at no cost to yourselves.

You can help us if you are in receipt of the Government fuel allowance
We are working with Cranleigh Citizens Advice Bureau and other local organisations to identify and support local families who are struggling to pay their fuel bills. Many local families are in fear that they will not be able to keep warm this winter.

If you are in receipt of the Government winter fuel payment and you feel that you do not really need it, you can help them by making a donation of some or all of your payment to our Wenceslas fund. You can do this in the certain knowledge that every penny goes directly to where it is needed.

You can donate on line via our website: or you can send a cheque made payable to Cranleigh & District Lions Club, endorsed WFP on the back. Please send to Club Treasurer, Chris Smith, at 30 Waverleigh Road, Cranleigh, Surrey GU6 8BZ.

You can help us when you shop at Amazon
If you shop at Amazon, you can elect for them to donate to Cranleigh Lions at no cost to yourself. Simply sign up to Amazon Smile and select Cranleigh & District Lions as your chosen charity. Amazon will then pay us 0.5% of the value of all eligible purchases.

You can help us when you shop at the Co-Op
We are delighted that Cranleigh & District Lions Club has been selected as one of the local causes to be supported by the Co-op Community fund from now until November 2021.

Every time Co-op members buy selected Co-op branded products and services, 2p in every £1 spent is given back to community organisations and local causes.

If you are a Co-op member you can log into your account and choose Cranleigh Lions as your local cause. If you are not a member but would like to help us, then you will need to sign up for Co-op membership. Full details can be found at

Cranleigh Lions would like to wish everyone a very happy New Year.

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