Provisional dates for this year’s event programme were published last month. However, despite the fantastic work of the vaccination teams and volunteers, it is unclear when or if restrictions for public events will be lifted. Given the current uncertainty we have reluctantly decided to cancel our plans for this year’s Easter Egg Hunt. We sincerely apologise for the disappointment that our decision will cause.
Another casualty of the lockdown is; Eggstravaganza. With no restaurants, bars and pubs open there will be insufficient venues from which to raffle the giant chocolate eggs and the accompanying cuddly lion toys. This is very unfortunate as traditionally this event raises funds for the Air Ambulance Kent, Surrey and Sussex. We will now look for other ways to help this vital charity.
On a more positive note, we are pleased to confirm that Sunday May the 16th will be the date for Classics on the Drive. This was a very popular event last year and it turned out to be quite a village spectacle. More details in due course.
Local business donations
We would like to acknowledge some local business donations received in recent weeks. Little Manor service station very kindly donated £1,000 from the proceeds of their re-launch weekend. The Cranleigh branch of Novus Care chose Cranleigh Lions for their teams Christmas donation of £500 and more recently Sainsburys have donated £350 to the Lions in support of local charities. We are immensely grateful for all donations received in support of our work in the community.
Sayers Croft activity events
With awareness of the mental stress being caused by Covid on families, we were delighted to be approached by Sayers Croft outdoors school who have been helping to combat this problem. They have been inviting local Ewhurst families in distress, for educational activity sessions in the great outdoors, giving the children the chance to run and play, while learning as they go. The request was for our assistance to pay for Cranleigh families to join them and we jumped at the chance. We’ve paid for eight families so far and our friends at the Cranleigh Community Fund have joined us, meaning that even more families will benefit.
Wenceslas fund
March is the closing date for donations to our Wenceslas fund. This fund is used to help those in fuel poverty which for many, the arrival of large winter fuel bills can be a serios problem.
If you are in receipt of the Government winter fuel payment and you feel that you do not really need it, you can help by making a donation of some or all of your payment to our Wenceslas fund.
You can donate on line via our website: www.cranleighlions.org/events/wenceslas or you can send a cheque made payable to Cranleigh & District Lions Club, endorsed WFP on the back. Please send to Club Treasurer, Chris Smith, at 30 Waverleigh Road, Cranleigh, Surrey GU6 8BZ.
Event dates for 2021
All dates are subject to the prevailing Covid regulations:
Sunday 16th May – Classics on the Drive
Saturday 26th June – Cranleigh Carnival
Sunday 1st August – Classic Car Show
Saturday 6th November – Bonfire & Fireworks
Don’t Forget
Shopping Amazon – You can elect for Amazon to donate to Cranleigh Lions at no cost to yourself. Simply sign up to Amazon Smile and select Cranleigh & District Lions CIO as your chosen charity. Amazon will then pay us 0.5% of the value of all eligible purchases.
Shopping Co-op – When Co-op members buy selected Co-op branded products and services, 2p in every £1 spent is given back to community organisations and local causes. Members should log on to their account and choose Cranleigh Lions as their local cause. If you are not a member but would like to help us, then you will need to sign up for Co-op membership. Full details can be found at www.coop.co.uk/membership
Contact us – If you would like more information about the Lions or would like to help, please get in touch. www.cranleighlions.org or write to The Secretary Cranleigh & District Lions Club, Hillview, Smithwood Common, Cranleigh, Surrey GU6 8QP.
Check out our website www.cranleighlions.org, or follow us on Facebook or Twitter.