Cranleigh is blooming

Cranleigh in Bloom is a voluntary community organisation with the goal of promoting civic pride, encouraging people to get involved in their community and bringing together various groups of people.

The group is chaired by Martin Bamford and consists of a committee of volunteers who meet monthly to plan activities. Other local people volunteer to help with different projects and the initiative is supported by various local businesses and organisations.

cranleigh flower

Cranleigh in Bloom submitted an entry to the South & South East in Bloom Awards last year, and was delighted to surpass our first entry from 2014 by winning the highest standard, Gold. Cranleigh was also named as overall category winner, receiving The Town Award 2016, with the judges highlighting the high levels of community involvement. Everyone involved with Cranleigh in Bloom is very proud of this achievement, which really puts Cranleigh on the map and is a fantastic reflection of the hard work put in by everyone involved in Cranleigh in Bloom.

The initiative continues in 2017 and summer planting will arrive in late May, bringing the High Street to life. We have already received a record number of hanging basket and floral display orders from local retailers, and generous sponsorship means we can supply planting for communal areas and charity shops.

Cranleigh in Bloom is always looking for more volunteers, including potential committee members who want to play an active role in the continued success of the initiative. You should call Martin on 01483 274566 or email to find out more.

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