It was good to be back running one of our most popular events at the end of June. The Cranleigh Carnival has been a village attraction for many years and to the best of our knowledge the event has never been cancelled except for last year when Covid 19 intervened.
On Saturday 26th June, the weather was excellent having been proceeded by heavy rain in the days before, the clouds parted and the sun shone helping to make the day very special indeed.
The Village turned out in force to support the first large gathering allowed in Cranleigh for over 18 months. This year we presented a new cup to the winner of the Carnival Parade – The Cranleigh Lions Carnival Parade, Brian Burt Memorial Cup, in memory of Brian Burt who had been the Chairman and guiding force behind the Carnival in recent years.
However, we have discovered the existence of a much older cup The Cranleigh Chamber of Trade Cup for the Best Vehicle in the Carnival – which was first presented in 1949 to The Treasure Islanders. This has got us wondering just who some of the winners were over those years.
Here are a few names that caught our eye and we would love to hear from anyone who was in any of the winning teams.
Where are they now?
1949 – The Treasure Islanders
1950 – Cranleigh and West Surrey Farming Club
1952 – Women’s Institute
1955/7/8 – Bookhurst Hill Exhibit
1962 – The Over Seventeens (presumably now the over 76’s!)
1967/8/9 – Cranleigh and District British Legion Women’s Section
1970 – The Children of Mead Road
1971 – Cranleigh Netball Team
1976 – C.V.H League of Friends
1977 – Summerlands Residents’ Association
1979 – Cranleigh Mead Baby-Sitting Circle
1991 – Children’s Music and Drama
1992 – Swallow Tiles
If you were involved in any if the above then please email: and tell us.
Contact us – If you would like more information about the Lions or would like to help, please get in touch. www.cranleighlions.org or write to The Secretary Cranleigh & District Lions Club, Hillview, Smithwood Common, Cranleigh, Surrey GU6 8QP.
Check out our website www.cranleighlions.org, or follow us on Facebook or Twitter.
You can read more news from Cranleigh Lions Club & District HERE.