Cranleigh Patients’ Group stepping into a healthy New Year the SMART way.

To start the New Year in the best way possible, Cranleigh Medical Practice Patients’ Group is launching its Health Pledges Project, hoping to inspire Cranleigh people to make small changes in their daily lives which can improve their health, be it physical or mental well-being.

Working on the principle that if people write down and share any changes they decide to make, it helps them see the resolution through, the Patients’ Group hopes that Cranleigh will make a Communal New Year Resolution

Lynda MacDermott, Chair of the Patients’ Group said,” We got the idea from another patients’ group in the north of England and we think it’s great. The choices we make each day really do have an effect on our health, so let’s think carefully about them, and make healthier choices in 2016.”

Anyone can make a health pledge – all individuals, old and young or groups can join in too – like the guides or scouts – rugby, football and cricket clubs or even U3A groups!

It’s easy – just work out your pledges following the SMART guidelines below and post them on the Patients’ Group Facebook page – search for “Cranleigh Medical Centre Patient Participation Group” or drop them in at the medical centre.

Tips to make a successful Health Pledge – Think SMART

S – Keep your pledge specific.
Think, “What am I going to do?” “How often, or how much?”, “Will I be able to achieve it?”

For example
If you wrote – I’m going to drink less/eat fewer sweets – that’s too vague – so not a good pledge but if you put – I’m going to have three alcohol/sweet free days each week – that’s specific and so it’s a good pledge

M – Keep it measureable.
If you wrote – I’m going to try the 5:2 diet – that’s not measurable, so not a good pledge. But if you wrote – I’m aiming to lose 1 lb per week – that you can measure, so it’s good!

A & R achievable & realistic – 1lb per week isn’t too much to aim for.

T – Put your pledge into a timeframe – I’m aiming to lose 1 lb per week for 20 weeks.

Here are some of the Health Pledges already posted

Sit in the garden every day for at least 10 minutes (unless it’s raining hard) to make sure I get enough Vitamin D for my bones.

Spend 15 minutes each day on my walking treadmill and always take the stairs when I am in a building.

3 days per week without a G&T.

Drink 1 litre of water per day on top of my other beverages.

Walk to the shops in Cranleigh instead of drive, at least 3 times per week.

Make the best use of my Fitbit & get up to that target of 10,000 steps per day 3 times per week.

Swim at least once per week.

Take time 3 times per week to look up at the clouds and watch them, and work towards meditating properly.

Look out for the updates as they report back on their progress over the first few months of the year. So come on Cranleigh! Let’s put our village on the map as the fittest village in the South East. Make your pledges soon and keep us up to date with your progress, let’s have lots of photos and stay healthy in 2016!


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