Cranleigh Probus A Club – News

Cranleigh Probus A Club will hold its first Ladies Lunch of 2019 on Tuesday 9th of April. The venue will be the Cranleigh Golf & Country Club on Barhatch Lane. Members and their partners will assemble from noon onwards when pre-lunch drinks may be enjoyed. The lunch will offer two choices for the main course and also for the dessert course, followed by coffee/tea and mints. The event will be hosted by the new chairman and committee elected in March. The club has room for new members.

A new committee was voted in at the AGM on March 12th held at the Cranleigh Golf & Country Club. Richard Chaundy was elected chairman and Norman Richardson, the retiring chairman, became the vice chairman. The remaining committee positions were retained by the re-elected incumbent members: David Ingham secretary, Malcolm Keeping treasurer, Norman Price table secretary, Andrew Munro speakers secretary, Michael Harrison almoner, Robert Everard archivist.

Annual dues were increased to £20 and the price of the two course standard lunches will be £17. On April 9th at the Ladies Lunch, when club members can bring their partners, a three course meal will cost £19.

New members will be welcomed. For information on how to join the club please contact David Ingham by email: or phone: 01483 548488 or visit the club website.   

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