After a longer than wished for break, on 21 July the Club was able to hold a gathering of members, their partners and visitors for a special celebration dinner at the Cranleigh Golf and Country Club.
It was a celebration evening for several reasons:
First, it was after so-called “Freedom Day”, the first time since lockdowns we had been able to meet together and not peer at each other through Zoom.
Since the Rotary Year started on 1 July, the second celebration was the first face-to-face meeting chaired by our new President, Gail Woodford. She paid tribute to our previous President, James Phiri, for his leadership during the Covid restrictions.
Giovanni and our new member Simone Conti
The third celebration was to acknowledge the achievement of our 90-year-old member Giovanni Fontebasso, who successfully completed his 10K charity walk. He raised a large sum for his chosen charities, Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children and the Children’s Air Ambulance.
The really SPECIAL celebration part of the evening was the induction of a new member, Simone Conti (see photo, with Giovanni). We had hoped to be able to welcome three other new members, but after their previous holiday plans had been cancelled they were now away. We shall arrange to induct them as members at a later date.