In recent weeks, members of the Rotary Club of Cranleigh have been supporting children in this country and abroad.
Following on from their efforts in collecting more than 1,000 shoe boxes from local schools for dispatch to disadvantaged children in Romania, Tom Cornwell, this year’s president of Cranleigh Rotary Club, was delighted to hand over a cheque for £1,250 to Monica Fisher from the CHASE hospice for children in Guildford. The funds were raised from the Festival of Model Railways, which took place on 26 September.
On 7 December, local schools took part in the traditional Carol Concert, organised by the Cranleigh Rotary Club. Unfortunately a bug hit St Cuthbert Mayne Primary School, so they had to withdraw at short notice. However, the choirs of Cranleigh Church of England Primary School and Wonersh & Shamley Green Church of England Primary School put on a fine show, singing a mixture of Christmas carols Monica Fisher from CHASE hospice receiving a cheque from Tom Cornwell, President, of the Cranleigh Rotary Club and songs. They even managed to add a couple of unplanned items to the programme.
Splendid musical accompaniment was provided by Godalming Town Band and Santa Fir kindly provided the Christmas tree. Everyone who attended thoroughly enjoyed the occasion.
The evening was led by Rev’d Sally Davies, Vicar of Christ Church, Shamley Green, who produced a special seasonal card to explain the significance of Christmas.
Rotary’s Christmas
Collection for Cumbria
Cranleigh Rotarians were out in force 17-19 December or their annual street collection. This year the collection raised a fantastic £2,200, which will be sent to help those families and businesses hard hit by the recent floods in Cumbria.
“The Rotary Club would like to thank everyone who gave so generously to help those in need in the disaster-struck Lake District,” said Tom Cornwell, President of the Rotary Club of Cranleigh. “This was one of the most successful Christmas collections for good causes and charities that we have ever made.”