Glebelands School hosted another Community Science Show called Science Pranks presented by Steve Mould on Thursday 27th April. Steve is a prolific science communicator being on a number of TV shows such as the BBC’s The One Show and Britain’s Brightest. During the evening, Steve took the audience through how to use the principles of science so you can prank or confuse your parent’s or friends, including a trick of how to open a bottle of water so it leaks all over someone!
Steve’s relaxed engaging style got the crowd literally to the edge of their seat as he demonstrated some common phenomena, which can be applied to prank people. There were huge amounts of audience participation including the Mayor of Waverley Cllr Chris Storey and the Chairman of Cranleigh Parish Council Cllr Mary Foryszewski who were both brought into the show. Steve showed how our senses could be used to confuse us by switching our ears around, how some senses confuse each other and how you can manipulate this.
Overall it was a very enjoyable evening and there was a real buzz in the room. We are looking to really engage the students so that they are inspired to go into the field of science and can see the enjoyment that it can give. Look out for our next show in the autumn and throughout the next academic year.
Glebelands School Spring Focus Day
With a backdrop of some chilly Spring sunshine, students from Glebelands School took part in a plethora of creative activities for their late Spring Focus Day held on Wednesday 26th April.
Students in Year 7 spent half of the day participating in two activities of their choice from Art, Stomp drumming or contemporary dance. These physical activities were followed by team building sessions on the field and in the Sports Hall with games like gutter ball designed to help our new cohort build deeper friendships.
Year 8 spent half the day with some horrid creepycrawlies and weird and wonderful creatures with the ZooLab experience. A company visited the school and brought in some unusual and amazing animals for students to learn about and in many cases, hold, including a snake which was not for the fainthearted! The other half of the day was learning about how to programme and write code for simple computer programmes – an essential skill in today’s evolving World.
The Year 9 activity saw them head to Thorpe park for the day, as well as the fun and thrills of being at a theme park for the day and enjoying the rides, they also took part in a STEM workshop. This workshop focused on the design and technology of the structures and rides around the park as well as looking at advances in technology and how they have improved the types of rides that are now available.
Year 10 students were on their work experience placements for the week. This involved being out and about in the community, serving customers in shops and learning about different trades and businesses. Year 11 were focused in revision sessions for the day within the English and Mathematics departments. With exams approaching soon, students were grateful for the focused support from their teachers. Mr Rhoan Hepburn Senior Teacher