When reflecting on significant progress in reducing our carbon footprint, we are frequently reminded by various media, that we’re presently in a race, a race we are losing at the moment, and we ‘could do better’ as our school reports used to say.
It’s no coincidence that COVID-19 has made us more aware than ever of our lifestyle, health, physical and mental wellbeing, as well as our wider community life and how we care for one another. As we’ve spent time keeping fit in the simplest form by walking locally, more of us have noticed the natural world in the countryside, previously never acknowledged. These things can inspire us to sustain the natural environments and work together to save our planet.
If we apply the same selfless commitment to save our planet as we have witnessed this passed year by NHS workers, carers and service people around us, we will stand a chance of winning the race. The most important thing is to act now. Not tomorrow, nor next week. Our children and grandchildren are relying on us.