The Moon Hall Schools Educational Trust is undergoing some exciting new developments with the appointment of two new Head Teachers. The Trust was established in March 1990 and is a registered charity, running two schools for around 160 dyslexic children at Holmbury St Mary and Leigh in Surrey.
Experts differ on the extent of dyslexia in the population but the consensus is that between 10% and 15% of people are dyslexic. Dyslexia occurs in people from all backgrounds and of all abilities. Examples of well known people with dyslexia include Richard Branson, Tom Cruise, Jamie Oliver, Steven Spielberg and even Albert Einstein.
Dyslexia causes problems with literacy and/or numeracy such that the children experience learning difficulties in mainstream education. Emma Fraser, the Head at Holmbury (on the site of Belmont School) near Dorking explains that “the Trust provides specialist education from age 7 to 16, including GCSE. The Trust is funded by payments made by parents from their own resources, by local education authorities or from the Trust’s own funds by way of bursaries. There is currently no state institution that replicates the specialist education provided by the Trust.”
In view of the specialist requirement involved in teaching children with dyslexia, the Trust closely follows ongoing academic research. For example, the Trust recently hosted a PhD student from University College London who is involved in a substantial research project at the University.
Alison Hedley, the Head at Leigh, comments that “as a dyslexic school we realise the importance of ensuring our curriculum meets the learning needs of our pupils and one of the most important strategies we are currently implementing is the development of our pupils’ communication skills. Last year, we launched a new programme to develop oracy skills within English lessons, which has been incredibly successful with outstanding results achieved in ESB and LAMDA examinations. We are continuing to strengthen this excellent foundation by being part of the national Oracy Programme Voice 21.”
To help the Trust deliver its objectives in this important area of education, the Trust would be delighted to hear from individuals who might like to offer their support as Governors of the two schools. Experience may be in education (perhaps with direct experience of dyslexia), or in business management, or in financial management / accountancy, or in IT systems, or in marketing & business development. The Trust also wishes to appoint a new Chair to lead the Board. For further information, please contact Dr Bruce Dean, Chairman of the Finance Committee: or tel 07763 146521.
Details of the two schools can be found at moonhallschoolreigate.co.uk and moonhallschooldorking.co.uk.