How to save money, when the price of everything is going up!

If your home and contents insurance or car insurance is due, shop around, don’t just automatically renew with the same insurer. Three weeks before your policy runs out is the best time to find a competitive quote. Paying for the whole year, in one go, rather than paying monthly by direct debit, can reduce your premiums quite considerably.

  • If the contracts on your TV, phone or broadband provider are also due for renewal, again shop around and also negotiate. They won’t want to say goodbye to a loyal customer.
  • Keep your curtains closed. As we did in the summer to keep the heat out, in the winter curtains really do keep the heat in.
  • When your washing load has finished, consider putting it on for one more fast spin cycle, to squeeze out as much water as possible and cut down on time in the dryer.
  • Another way to cut drying times is to use wool dryer balls. They cut energy costs by up to 25% by keeping the laundry separated, allowing the warm air to circulate fully. They also stop the clothes from becoming creased, so reducing energy use on ironing.
  • Consider purchasing a slow cooker. They are relatively cheap to buy, very cheap to run, when compared to a traditional oven, and serve up delicious, wholesome and hearty meals. Perfect for keeping you warm this winter.
  • Bleed your radiators. This will make them work more efficiently and warm your home far quicker. Having the boiler serviced will also help with the efficiency of the system.
  • Give all your radiators a good dust, both the front of them and behind them. Dust is basically a blanket over the radiator that will reduce the amount of heat it throws out and reduce its efficiency.
  • If you have reduced the temperature on the thermostat for the winter, you might want to put a pair of slippers on your Christmas list. They really do keep your whole body warm.
  • A full freezer, or fridge, works far more efficiently than an empty one. Batch cooking/baking is a great way to fill the freezer and will also save you money by cooking 2 dinners at once.
  • If you don’t have a tumble drier, or you’re just cutting down on its use, consider hanging your clothes on an airer upstairs. Because heat rises it’s always that bit warmer upstairs, and your clothes will dry that bit quicker.
  • Switch off, at the plug, appliances and equipment, when they are not in use. TVs would be the first port of call.
  • If any of the appliances in your home need replacing, be sure to opt for an A rating on the new appliance, saving fuel and money for years to come.
  • Use an App for budgeting. This will help you keep track of your spending and allow you to plan for expenses.
  • When shopping online, consider using a browser extension such as “honey”. It will look for active coupons and automatically apply them when you check out.

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