These are some of the 112 named in ‘Cranleigh’s Roll of Honour’ compiled by P. Wilkins & I. Stedman. Names of casualties who fell in both World Wars. A sacrifice that STILL continues today in our ‘war torn world’ and troubled times.
So many local people who gave everything that we might live and be free. Read the names carefully, quietly, and reflect perhaps, on the people you knew, are
related to, or just want to pay silent respect to. Perhaps Jesus’ words are helpful, ‘Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends.’
(John15: 13) What a cost!
See if you can read and remember all the names from the photo shown above.
R. Bell, F.G. Bennet, M. Berdoe-Wilkinson . . .
The Remembrance Sunday Service will take place at the War Memorial in Cranleigh High Street on Sunday 8 November at 10.45am.
Remembrance Day
In many parts of the world, people observe a two-minute silence at 11am on 11 November.