Bob a job week, Scout jumble sales and old newspaper collections are distant memories and you are now more likely to find Scouts honing their axe and outdoor cooking skills on Cranleigh Showground. They still raise money for good causes, both local, such as Cranleigh’s Riding for the Disabled and international, with Guildford Scouts Nepalese Disaster appeal, but safety issues mean you will not find them knocking on your door at the weekend.
In recent years Scouts may have had a lower profile than in the past, but Cranleigh Scouts along with the Guides next door, remain one of the most popular child and youth organisations in our village. Indeed most will only have noticed the stirring sight of our parade and procession to the War Memorial on Remembrance Day, which is fully supported by parents and siblings. You may not realise that you were parked by Scouts at the Cranleigh Show or on Fireworks night, but I hope you enjoyed our prize winning floats in Cranleigh carnivals, or have seen our Surrey Scouts promotion trailer at village events.
Let me tell you about where we are today. We have over 160 uniformed members of Beavers (aged 6 to 8 years), Cubs (aged 8 to 10.5 years) and Scouts (aged 10.5 to 14 years). There are three Beaver Colonies of 18, three cub packs of over 20 and two Scout Troops of 20 plus. To run and organise such a Group within the Scout Association umbrella we have a gifted team of over 30 uniformed leaders and devoted helpers.
Also in May 2014 we re-started Scouting in Ewhurst Sports Pavilion with Wednesday evening meetings for Beavers and Cubs. This took some 42 children off our waiting lists but we need more adult volunteers before we can take on more recruits. We are indebted to Cranleigh Parish Council, Ewhurst Parish Council, Cranleigh Lions and Masons and the British Legion for their support in bringing adventure to local youngsters.
In 2015 we have held many successful events and our youngsters have been on some truly spectacular camps. But it is not over yet, and we have more exciting ventures lined up for the rest of the year! To read about this year’s activities you will have to get next
month’s issue.
For more information on meeting times and dates please visit our website https://cranleighscoutgroup. org. Thank you – Dave Saunders AGSL
Girl Scout just having fun and masrshmallows!
A very special mention of thanks to Jeff Mitchell of ‘Mitchell and Sons’ who has supported the group by giving his time and work free of charge.