Springtime in a country churchyard
by Raymond Holt
An ex Cranleigh village Bobby
This churchyard whispered “Spring is here”
As flowers reached out to touch the sky,
And as a coffin came through the gate,
I heard a newborn baby cry.
Our feathered friends are all a flutter,
Hear them rejoice, their voices rule!
We all love nature when it suits us,
But I dislike it, when so cruel.
Can you hear the blackbird singing for me?
Between us there is a special link,
It was me that fed him in the winter,
And broke the ice so he could drink.
Now sunshine warms green mossy earth,
And cherry tree blossom shines pink and bright,
The headstones cast a friendly shadow,
When nature switches on the light.
I always want springtime to last forever,
Death seems oh, so far away.
New life, new hope, new dreams to follow,
Thank you God, for giving me today.

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