A meeting was hosted by the SMART Cranleigh group on 22nd November 2017 at Rowleys Centre, Victoria Road, Cranleigh. The meeting started with a welcome and opening by The Mayor of Waverly Cllr. Simon Inchbald. There followed a plenary session which was addressed by Stephen Dennison and Rosemary Hurtley both Directors of the Smart Cranleigh group.
Seventy local movers and shakers from the Cranleigh community attended the meeting where they heard details of some analysis of Public Health findings in relation to both intergenerational work and activities to reduce the loneliness and progressive disconnect that is taking place due to loss of partners, and progressive neurological conditions which isolate not only the person suffering but quite frequently their carers too.
The second half of the meeting was composed of six working groups which were challenged to come up with ideas to help in a positive manner some of the key issues that challenge all in this community.
The meeting finished and 9.00 pm with thanks and feedback being delivered from the working groups spokes-persons. Our sincere thanks are due to the management and staff of Rowleys for allowing us to host the meeting in their centre. To all the wonderful speakers who delivered such a plethora of highly valuable materials and to all the Advisors of SMART Cranleigh who worked so hard that evening to make the meeting a success.
If you would like to consider helping and working with the SMART Cranleigh group please contact one of the following Directors by E-mail;
Stephen Dennison
Rosemary Hurtley
Mike Ellis .