September 2018 – Adventurous Gardens

Providing your kids with unique outdoor adventures is a great way to let their creativity go wild, with the hope that it creates a unique viewpoint for them and establishes an outdoor adventure lifestyle later in life. Here are just some ways to encourage garden play for people of many ages.

  • Never underestimate the old fashioned fun you can have in your garden. If you have a kids pool, it can be a great way to have some water fun in the backyard, splashing and having toys floating in the pool.
  • If you have room, have an area for sand play in your garden. Simple, stress-free, and a must-have for outdoor play with toddlers.
  • Is there room for a swing or a climbing wall? Perhaps tie two ropes between trees or robust poles and try to balance on the bottom rope while holding onto the upper rope. A slack line may also be used for improved support.
  • Bring the technology outside if your kids are struggling to embrace the outdoors. Have an outdoor prize hunt or geocache.

Adventures don’t have to be big to count as unforgettable

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