Something A Bit Different…Tasty Vegan Canape

Local private chef Jacqueline Wise can’t work at present due to corona virus so is working on an interesting new cookbook, based on recipes from real events. These recipes are from the chapter featuring a woodland supperclub. Check out @jacquelinewisechef for LIVE Cook-a-longs on Facebook and Instagram!

Cucumber Cups/Beetroot Hummus
These canapes are fiddly and a little difficult to make, but that is why they are so very satisfying! Just slice some chunks of cucumber and pipe the hummus on top, or cut cucumber sticks and dip until your heart’s content. However, if you are up for a challenge and mastering a new skill, give these a try! I found some guests got the hang of this quite quickly, much to their delight, where are others took a little longer, or gave up. The comparison at the end once the cups were all lined up, certainly provoked a healthy bit of competition and banter for sure! Cries of satisfaction were heard across the woodland if a perfect cucumber ball popped out the cylinder, ready to be piped full of tasty beetroot hummus. Simple pleasures! You could also pipe in cream cheese and top with a pecan nut, or any other filling you might fancy. The beetroot hummus is sweet and so pink and pretty, it makes a great impact presentation wise, and can a meal in its own right with the flatbread recipe in this chapter as well.

For the hummus (Makes extra for canape)
400g Tin of Chickpeas
1 Clove of garlic
1 Tbsp tahini
1 Lemon, zest and juice
2 Tbsp Cold pressed rapeseed oil or olive oil
Splash of water
Salt and pepper (Optional tsp turmeric, tsp cumin, 100g cooked beetroot (add juice for pink colour)
100g roasted peppers etc – make it your own!)

For the cucumber cups (makes approx. 30)
4 Cucumbers
Fresh Mint
(Optional Feta)


  1. Drain chickpeas, then add all ingredients to a
    blender and blitz until smooth, adjust seasoning to
    taste put into piping bag.
  2. Cut cucumber into 6-8 pieces, same height as
    circle cutter, turn after each cut to help keep
  3. Use circle cutter (size 2) to make cylinders.
  4. Use small melon baller to scoop out centre or
  5. Pipe with hummus and top with, herbs, feta etc.

Handmade Flatbreads
These flatbreads are so simple and you can make them your own really easily with your favourite selection of herbs, spices, seeds, nuts and more. I measured out 100g of flour into little Tupperware containers and then lined all the possible flavourings up in the centre of the table. Turmeric adds a lovely mild aromatic flavour with hints of orange and ginger, as well as the amazing yellow colour. This combined with poppy seed is delicious. Try the sweet and smoky flavour of paprika, perhaps add some black onion seeds for extra texture? Fresh herbs and greens also work really well, including wild ones!

Once the dough comes together, you need to kneed it for at least 5 minutes to work the starchy gluten in the flour, so it binds together well. It should feel soft by easy to press into a round, and not crumbly. If it is too dry add a little more water. Bear in mind it is easier to cook a flatbread which is a similar thickness all over. You could use a rolling pin to spread them out!

For one flatbread
100g Plain flour
1 Tbsp Cold rapeseed or olive oil
Pinch of salt
3-4Tbsp water
Flavouring (spices)


  1. Measure flour, add oil and mix with fingers to
    breadcrumbs, add salt, flavourings and mix briefly.
  2. Add water and bring together into a dough (fairly
    wet) using your fingers.
  3. Knead for 5-6 minutes to work gluten, until dough
    is softer, then rest for 10-30 minutes.
  4. Cook over open fire or on dry griddle, BBQ or
    frying pan for 4-5 minutes on each side if stretched
    by hand, or 2-3 minutes on each side if rolled with
    polling pin (you may need to spilt dough into two to
    make it manageable.
  5. Enjoy with oils and hummus, or a spicy dukka mix.

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