The Arts Society Cranleigh is providing talks to members via zoom at 2.00pm on the fourth Wednesday of the month, until July, as due to covid-19 these cannot take place in the Cranleigh Arts Centre as usual. Non-members can take part by contacting the Membership Secretary in advance at: www.theartssocietycranleigh.org
It is hoped that as from September talks can be resumed in the Arts Centre with our normal afternoon and evening talks.
May 26th 2021: Peter Medhurst – The Genius of Beethoven
To celebrate the anniversary of 250 years after Beethoven’s life. We will learn more about the subtlety of his music from our much-celebrated speaker.
Famously, every morning of his adult life, Beethoven measured out exactly sixty coffee beans for his breakfast. A man who is capable of such discipline over a cup of coffee, can surely apply that exactness elsewhere in his life; and in Beethoven’s case, it was applied to his compositions. In fact, the detail found in his music is often so subtle, that most people don’t even know it’s there. This talk explores Beethoven’s genius as a writer of music, at the same time setting his extraordinary story against the backdrop of 19th century warfare, revolution and dramatic social changes.
June 23rd 2021: Anna Moszynska – Modern British Sculpture
Anna shows us why British Sculptors during the 20th Century pioneered sculpture throughout the world.