6th November 2021
We are busy planning this year’s Bonfire & Fireworks and hope to start our bonfire build on Saturday 23rd October and hope complete it on Saturday 30th October.
For many years we have accepted donations of burnable materials, but regulations concerning the size and height of the bonfire and the materials burned, are strictly controlled.
Please do not take material to the bonfire site without first contacting the Lions for an appointment via our website: https://www.cranleighlions.org/ or by emailing: or by telephoning: 03458 332711 (local call rate number)
Materials that we are NOT allowed to burn are:
- Painted wood
- Treated wood (fence panels, sheds, furniture)
- Plastic, rubber, glass, oils or metal.
Materials brought to the bonfire site that do not conform to the above will be refused.
At present our plans include the children’s make a Guy competition sponsored by Burns & Webber and the traditional torch lit precession from Park Mead. The bonfire will be lit at 7pm followed by the grand firework display at 7.30pm.
We will however be bound by any Covid 19 regulations that may be in force at the time, so please keep an eye on our website and social media for updates.
In view of the current Covid situation we have decided not to sell Grand Draw tickets door to door. Instead, we will be selling tickets in Stocklunds Square and also on line. Tickets will be £5 with a top cash prize of £500 and further prizes of £200, £100, and £50.
Full details will be found in our Bonfire event programme which will be delivered to Cranleigh homes during October.
Spectacle recycling
Thanks to everyone who placed their unwanted spectacles (without cases) in our collection box at the medical centre. We have packaged over 250 pairs of spectacles this month ready for dispatch. In addition to this recycling service, we can now accept unwanted hearing aids, in their cases, in the same collection box. Please put small individual hearing aids into an envelope to avoid loss.
Our website has a donate link to the Lions charity fund, where donations can be made at any time. We recently received a generous and anonymous donation into the fund. We are obviously unable to contact the donor directly and so we would like to acknowledge this gift and assure the donor that it will make a huge difference to the lives of those in need in our community.
Don’t Forget
Shopping Amazon – Simply sign up to Amazon Smile and select Cranleigh & District Lions CIO as your chosen charity. Amazon will then pay us 0.5% of the value of all eligible purchases.
Shopping Co-op – When Co-op members buy selected Co-op branded products and services, 2p in every £1 spent is given back to community organisations and local causes. Members should log on to their account and choose Cranleigh Lions as their local cause. If you are not a member but would like to help us, then you will need to sign up for Co-op membership. Full details can be found at: www.coop.co.uk/membership
Contact us – If you would like more information about the Lions or would like to help, please get in touch. www.cranleighlions.org or write to The Secretary Cranleigh & District Lions Club, Hillview, Smithwood Common, Cranleigh, Surrey GU6 8QP. Check out our website: www.cranleighlions.org, or follow us on Facebook or Twitter.