WeCare, Ewhurst Dementia Support Group, has been running for 3 years, providing activities which include exercise, singing, music and more for people with Dementia and their partners. We could not do without our wonderful team of local volunteers who always provide teas and coffees with home-made cake.
We meet on the first and third Thursdays of every month. Since the summer we have been meeting on Zoom for chats and support. From 20th May we may be able to meet in person in the open of ewhurst, weather permitting, or indoors at a location yet to be decided; otherwise we’ll continue on Zoom and for June 3rd and 17th.
We are planning a garden tea party on 1st July, meetings back to normal from 15th July, and a canal boat trip on 5th August, reverting to meeting indoors when the weather dictates.
For further information please contact Carol on 07775 865125 or ; or Tony on 01483 267027 or