When you experience a set back or disappointment in life, it can hit hard like a punch or body blow- boom, boom! It knocks the wind out of your sails and it’s hard to recover.
After a hard winter the spring has beckoned us out to our gardens. The battered soil seemed so unpromising and we wondered if anything would grow from it. But within a few days of sunshine, some careful tending and a gentle spring shower; it blooms and flowers into something fruitful and beautiful. Soil that appeared infertile suddenly bursts forth with trees and plants full of buds and blossom, blooming, full of health and energy.
During the current pandemic we have opportunities to change our lives, to start to bloom in new ways. To resurrect old chattels to their former glory, long hidden in cupboards, loft or shed. To hone old hobbies and ignite old talents. We can express love in new ways to friends and family. To show appreciation for the compassion and sacrifice the NHS staff, shopkeepers, volunteers and support services are offering right now. Let’s emerge from the boom! boom! And bloom this Springtime.
We’re all living in very challenging times with the impact of the corona virus pandemic. To any who have lost loved ones we express our deepest sympathies. Even though we are receiving some heavy blows at this time, these trials often help us grow, giving us time to reset our lives with a new perspective. Let’s keep caring for one another by staying at home to protect the NHS and many others who work together, enabling our community to recover and bloom once again!