Ever fancied trying the skilful and traditional sport of lawn green bowls?
Bowls is a sport that attracts both the competitive and non-competitive alike, and is played by men and women of all ages and backgrounds. The rules of how to play are very simple to master and it does not take long for beginners to become proficient in the art of bowls. Help and advice are provided by friendly qualified coaches and experienced club members, and takes place on one of the finest bowls greens in Surrey.
We are now able to introduce a limited programme of social bowling since June 1st 2020.
Government guidelines allow us to play singles only with a limit on the number of players on the green at any time. Full details will be sent out to all club members shortly.
Rinks must be booked in advance.
To access the Login page for RINK BOOKINGS visit: https://bit.ly/2Aq1GyI
How to find us
Cranleigh Bowls Club is part of Cranleigh Village Sports and Social Club in Parsonage Road (GU6 7AN), just of the High Street.
If you are interested please contact David Andrews on 07495 491639 or e-mail . You can also visit our web-site at
www.cranleighbowlingclub.com to find out more information and to sign up to our news alerts.