SMART Cranleigh is on a journey to improve quality of life and help the community to come together to look at some of the real issues that matter to people of all ages here and in surrounding villages in their everyday lives.
SMART CRANLEIGH is a village initiative focused on promoting good quality of life for local people through enabling local organisations to work together more effectively.
We aim to support community led projects that make a positive difference to the lives of local people.
We aim to help local people connect with their community and empower them to find the local support they want.
Last year we worked in Collaboration with Public Health locally to undertake a Community NeedsAssessment. Some of you were involved in either interviewing or being interviewed as a sample of
the population in Cranleigh East.
Did you know?
- Out of 206 Surrey wards, Cranleigh East isranked 111th for Health Deprivation and Disability
- 2% of people provide 50 or more hours of unpaid care a week (Surrey average 1.6%)
- 15.1% residents have a limiting long term illness or disability (Surrey average 13.5%)
- 6% of the working-age population in Cranleigh East experience employment deprivation
- Dementia 0.9% (CCG average 0.7%).130 million by 2050 will have dementia which has been tamed but not cured
- Depression 8.1% (CCG average 7.6%)
- 19.9% adults binge drink (Surrey average 18%)
- 5% of reception year children are obese and 19.1% have excess weight compared to 6.3% and 17.9% in Surrey
I wonder if you had any idea these things could be issues for people living around you?
If you did then perhaps you would like to consider helping and working with the SMART Cranleigh group. Please feel free to contact one of the following Directors by email for more information;
Stephen Dennison
Rosemary Hurtley
Mike Ellis