A message from Zoe Harris at Healthwatch Surrey, who wants to hear about the experiences people have been having with health and care services during this pandemic:
“We’re reaching out to Surrey residents to find out about their experiences of health and social care during the coronavirus pandemic and would like to hear about COVID-19 related and non-related experiences.
Surrey residents can share their experience with us by completing our survey (it can also be completed on someone else’s behalf): https://bit.ly/2A4dbft
Alternatively, they can contact us by phone (0303 303 0023), text (07952 787 533), email () or can fill out a feedback form online.
Paper copies and alternative formats of the survey are also available. Please do let me know if you are able to share our survey, or if you have any questions at all.
Best wishes, and stay safe,
Zoe Harris, Volunteer Officer, Healthwatch Surrey”
For more information, or paper copies of the survey, please contact Zoe Harris,