We welcome you on 25 March to watch and hear Coco Tomita, accompanied on piano by her father Kan Tomita in the intimate auditorium at Cranleigh Arts.
This concert is fundraising for Cranleigh Arts and also fundraising for Cranleigh Rotary.
Coco is the BBC Young Musician of the Year 2020 for strings, a stunning success by her playing of Ysaye, Debussy and Hubay. The judges said,
“She had a wonderful sense of ease about how she played – it was just a delight to listen to. My heart goes out to her…she was wonderful.”
“Coco just had something about her tonight. Her phrasing, her expression – totally gripping.”
Coco has been a prolific performer from the age of 8. She is no stranger to Surrey, having studied at the Yehudi Menuhin School in Cobham. She comes to Cranleigh, fresh from her first international tour of Japan, with another exciting programme.
In her own words, “The programme I have chosen to perform at the Cranleigh Arts Centre holds works dear to my heart and will sweep you through centuries of progressive violin repertoire from Mozart’s endearing Sonata for violin and piano to the heroic and passionate narrative of Grieg’s Violin Sonata No.3 in C minor, one that I have been anticipating to include in my seasonal recital programme for a while now. The dark tone of his 3rd sonata in comparison to the enthusiasm of it’s two predecessors gives the impression of a more mature work. The breathtaking sweetness of the second movement surrounded by two dramatic outer movements will sure to keep you on the edge of your seat.
Another pillar to the programme alongside Grieg is the well-loved, sensual and American jazz and blues inspired Ravel’s Violin Sonata No.2. And finally a sweet Russian postcard from the lyrical master, Tchaikovsky’s Souvenir d’un lieu Cher and a spark of improvisational brilliance in Enescu’s Ménétrier from his Impression d’enfance, both of which provoke variety of visual imagery through music.
All works showcase the violin’s vast capability of expression and versatility and are simply pieces I love performing and look forward thoroughly to share them with the audience.”
This is the latest in a stunning 2022 concert programme at Cranleigh Arts. On 22 April another star of the future Damir Durmanovic will be playing a piano programme featuring Schubert and Chopin. He performs courtesy of the Keyboard Trust.
Details of all concert timings, tickets and programme can be found on: www.cranleigharts.org