Counting Steps – Box Hill Stepping Stones Walk – AllTrails

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Box Hill is a summit of the North Downs, within the Surrey Hills AONB. The hill is named for the ancient box woodland found on the west-facing chalk slopes overlooking the River Mole. This is an outstanding area of woodland and chalk downland managed by The National Trust. On the summit there is a café, gift shop, ample car parking and a magnificent view.

Distance: 3.2 km
Time: Est. 48 mins
Route Type: Loop
Elevation Gain: 186 m


1. Visitor Centre
This circular walk starts at the visitor centre on Zig Zag Road at the top of the hill. Follow the surfaced path away from the visitor centre. Continue along the path running parallel to the road. From Salomon’s Memorial, walk down the path which runs below this viewpoint. Take a right and continue along this path.

2. Yew Woods
Follow the steps cut into the ground on your left downhill through the Yew woods. On your left is the river Mole. As the ground levels out you’ll reach a fork in the path. Take the left fork to the Stepping Stones. The River Mole and Stepping Stones are in front of you. You can either take a right at the rivers’ edge and follow the riverside path, or cross the Stepping Stones and follow the path running parallel to the river on the other side.

3. Burford Meadow
At the footbridge, go through the gate into Burford Meadow. Continue through the meadow. On the opposite bank of the river there are wooded chalk cliffs known as the Whites.

4. Road Bridge at the end of Burford Meadow
At the far end of Burford Meadow there is a road bridge. Follow the path to the left of the bridge upwards to the A24. Take a right and cross the river and walk past Burford Bridge Hotel on your right. Take the right hand path immediately after the hotel, and at the fork, take the left hand track and continue uphill. The grassy slope becomes a white chalk path, follow it uphill.

5. Top of Box Hill
Take the pathway on your left. Take a right at the stony path and continue uphill. The old building on your right is Box Hill Fort (currently inhabited by bats!). Continue up the stony track and turn right at the road to return to the visitor centre. The climb is steep up to the top of Box Hill but the view from the top is worth the effort.

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