We hope you’re looking forward to 2019 as much as each of us at Cranleigh Amateur Swimming Club. We’re hoping for a great year to build on the successes of 2018.
We ended last year with two social events to reward the hard work of all our swimmers and coaches. The first was a fun inflatables session at the Leisure Centre for our younger swimmers. Next up was our awards evening where we celebrated the achievements of the club. Girls and boys across the age groups received awards recognising attendance and performance.
At the evening, our Head Coach, David, gave an overview of the past year. Qualifications for the Surrey County Championships provide a good benchmark for success. In 2018 we achieved qualifications in 63 events, across 24 swimmers. This is a giant step forwards from the 4 events that were swum by 2 swimmers in 2017. Well done to all, it’s a real testament to the dedication of all swimmers and coaches.
For the swimmers, coaches and committee the hard work and commitment has continued. This included a good turn out at some extra training between Christmas and New Year. Eyes are now on the County Championships over 3 weekends later this month and in February. Beyond that we’re planning the year ahead and how to do even better in 2019. Our coaches already have some ambitious targets and everyone is keen to meet them.
If you are interested in joining Cranleigh ASC, please come down and see us on a Sunday evening at Cranleigh Leisure Centre from 4.30pm onwards or visit our website www.cranleighsc.org We offer two free taster trial sessions, for children wishing to see if they enjoy it.